All About Eggs
All About Eggs
Facts & Tips
Everyone knows all about eggs right? They have been a part of our diet for as long as anyone can remember. But we think some of these facts and tips might surprise you…

Brown eggs and white eggs have the same taste and nutritional value…the only difference is the hen. White-feathered hens lay white eggs and brown-feathered hens lay brown eggs.

There are six different sizes of egg – peewee, small, medium, large, extra large and jumbo.

An air cell forms at the wide end of the egg as it cools after being laid. The smaller the air cell, the fresher the egg.

A fresh egg will sink, while an older egg will float in water – this is because of the size of the air cell.

If you need to distinguish a hard-boiled egg from a raw one, just spin them. The hard-boiled egg will spin longer.

If your egg white is cloudy, that is actually another indicator of freshness – it is the result of higher carbon dioxide levels when the egg is laid.

You can freeze eggs. Just beat them lightly until they are well mixed, and then pour them into a tightly sealed freezer container.

Eggs should be stored in their original carton in the refrigerator.

Because egg whites are naturally drying, they can be used as an easy homemade facial.

Eggs are one of the few foods that naturally contain the “sunshine” vitamin.

Some people say that the chef’s hat (the toque) has one pleat for every way you can cook eggs – they are one of the most versatile foods in your fridge.