App & Extras

Prospective Farmers

Backyard flocks: Farmers with 0-199 hens
  • No quota or registration is required, provided the number of hens owned does not exceed 199.
    • Please check your local municipality bylaws for the max number of birds permissible.
Registered Producers: Farmers with 200+ quota hens
  • To become a registered producer, you must be issued quota and a licence from Egg Farmers of New Brunswick.
  • Quota can be obtained via:
    • Purchase from a current registered producer
    • New Entrant Program
New Entrant Program
  • When enough quota is available, EFNB will run the New Entrant Program.
    • This is dependant on the National Quota Allocation and as a result the New Entrant Program is not guaranteed to be available every year.
  • The Program is currently on hold while we bring our existing new entrants up to the number of birds promised.
  • If interested in receiving future updates on the New Entrant Program, please send a request via our Contact Form

Resources for Backyard Flocks

Information for selling ungraded eggs

Can I sell ungraded eggs?

A farmer may sell their own ungraded eggs directly to the consumer through farm gate sales at the farmer’s premise or at farmers markets.

Can I grade my own eggs?

Farmers interested in setting up their own registered egg grading station are directed to contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency office in Fredericton at 506-452-4963.


How Eggs are Graded in Canada

CFIA Food Licences Information


New Brunswick Livestock Premises Identification Application

The livestock premises identification application is used to identify the geographic locations of livestock and poultry for the purposes of responding to emergencies. Although this application is voluntary for poultry owners not regulated by a board or agency, it is encouraged to complete or update an existing application. Identifying animal premises is a tool that can be used to plan for and manage animal health and food safety emergencies. Any aid in identifying an animal premises is greatly appreciated.

The application can be found on the Department of Agriculture website.

Instructions on completing the form can be found here: How to complete the New Brunswick Livestock Premises Identification Application.


Biosecurity is the primary step in keeping your flock happy and healthy.

The Basics:

  • Washing your hands
    • Wash your hands before and after handling poultry, eggs, and other production equipment.
  • Wearing barn specific clothes
    • Using designated clothing and footwear helps limit the spread of potential contaminates to your flock and vice versa.
  • Clean equipment and housing
    • Keeping equipment and the housing areas clean helps prevent the growth and spread of disease agents.
  • Rodent and pest control
    • Monitor rodent and pest activity as they can be carriers of bacteria and disease potentially harmful to birds and humans alike.

CFIA Biosecurity tools

CFIA Biosecurity for the general public

Disease Management

Steps to help manage and prevent disease in backyard flocks include:

  • Regularly cleaning equipment
  • Rodent and pest control
  • Prevent contact with wild birds and other animals.
  • Quarantine new birds from the flock for 30 days
  • Monitor for signs of illness
    • Lethargic birds
    • Loss of appetite
    • Swelling around the head, neck, eyes, including the comb
    • Diarrhea

More information can be found on the CFIA website


Other Resources